Sacrum Stabilizing Exercises

If you are having trouble keeping your Sacral Illiac joint stabilized, then try these exercise every day for two weeks, then as needed afterward.

KNEE PRESS- Lying on your back with knees deeply bent or 90 degrees on a chair. Knees together and feet together. Tie a belt around the thighs. Press the knees out to the sides and relax, trying to spread the knees apart for 1 second with medium to …

KNEE PRESS- Lying on your back with knees deeply bent or 90 degrees on a chair. Knees together and feet together. Tie a belt around the thighs. Press the knees out to the sides and relax, trying to spread the knees apart for 1 second with medium to strong effort. (3 x 10)

KNEE SQUEEZE- Lying on your back, knees at a 90 degree angle on a block. Hips stay square on the floor. Place a pillow between the knees and using the inner thighs squeeze and release, using both knees evenly for 1 second with medium to strong effor…

KNEE SQUEEZE- Lying on your back, knees at a 90 degree angle on a block. Hips stay square on the floor. Place a pillow between the knees and using the inner thighs squeeze and release, using both knees evenly for 1 second with medium to strong effort.. (3 x 10)

ROTATED KNEE PRESS- Lying on your back with knees bent to 90 degrees on a block or chair. Knees together and feet a little wider than hip width apart. Tie a belt around the thighs. Press the knees out to the sides and relax, trying to spread the kne…

ROTATED KNEE PRESS- Lying on your back with knees bent to 90 degrees on a block or chair. Knees together and feet a little wider than hip width apart. Tie a belt around the thighs. Press the knees out to the sides and relax, trying to spread the knees apart for 1 second with medium to strong effort.. (3 x 10)

Get hands on guidance through this and other corrective exercises with Brandon Jellison LMT!