Monthly Community Reiki Share

What is a Reiki share?

Reiki is an energy healing modality that promotes stress reduction and relaxation by the laying on of hands.This brings a feeling of well-being, peace and security. Reiki is natural and safe. Anyone can benefit from reiki.


In times like these, a Reiki share is a simple and profound way to promote community healing and relationships. Reiki share is a space where we send and receive healing energy in a safe, engaged and generous environment. Not comfortable sending healing energy? You are still welcomed! No prior experience or training necessary.

We know you can’t feel real comfort without first feeling safe. To promote safety we have some precautions set in place.

  • Masks will be required (also provided at the door)

  • Temperature checks at the door

  • Hand washing stations accessible

  • Hand-sanitizer provided

Join Us on the second Monday of each month! Feb 8th, March 8th, April 12th etc..

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